Tag Archives: quantum frequencies

92. Cellular Hydration, Quantum Healing and Exclusion Zone Water with Carrie Bennett

The highly requested second episode with Carrie Bennett is here!!! We dive deep into one of the most, if not THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT for biohacking your beauty and health: WATER.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Carrie and I discuss
How can we actually stay hydrated to stay youthful (it’s not what you think!)
What is water like inside our bodies?
What is exclusion zone water and why does it matter?
What are we doing on a regular basis that is aging you?
What element is vital to charge the water in our body?
Is tap water ok to drink?
How can you add minerals back into your water?
How to make your own structured water
How water can help your body heal
How we can impact the world with quantum entanglement
What is “coherence” and why does matter?

Carrie Bennett Resources
Carrie’s Instagram 
All of Carrie’s Product Recommendations 
Carrie’s Website

With multiple degrees in biology, nutrition, and bodywork Carrie’s relentless enthusiasm to learn has made her one of the leading educators in the emerging field of quantum biology. She combines deep research & clear explanations of the complex quantum mechanisms at play in the human body to teach you how to use light, water, and nature to thrive. Carrie is a sought-after speaker and guest lecturer. She currently sees clients in her online practice. She is also the lead faculty member and on the Board of Advisors for the Quantum Biology Collective—the world’s premier certification for Applied Quantum Biology in clinical practice.

Dora’s Resources
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Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

71. Biohacking with Frequency Devices for Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Sleep, and Shifting Ancestral Patterns

The episode you have been waiting for, all about Frequency Medicine!

In this episode I discuss:
What is Frequency Biohacking?
How can frequencies help heal the body?
What benefits does the application of frequencies have for your health, anti-aging and longevity?
How to shift and reprogram ancestral patterns using frequencies.
I share my personal experiences with Frequency Biohacking.

The Freedom Frequency – Free Frequency 3 Day Masterclass
Purchase your own Healy Frequency Device
What is the difference between Healy Models?
Healy Testimonials Facebook Group
The Resonance Effect Book by Carol McMakin
Healy Science Explained
Healy: Science Meets Spirituality

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.