Tag Archives: perfectionism

89. The Missing Link to Fertility & Women’s Health with Dr. Katie Rose

Dr. Katie Rose is back! We have a profoundly transformative conversation that every woman can benefit from. When we recorded our first interview a few months ago, titled Overcoming Fertility Challenges, Dr Katie and I both felt that there was more to be said about women’s health and fertility that often isn’t addressed. Without this vital information, we are not addressing the potential root of disharmony in the body.

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In this episode, Dr. Katie and I discuss:
How we can help balance our nervous system for fertility, and addressing PCOS, and autoimmune disease
What actually is our nervous system??
The very common thing that contributes to PMS and fertility issues
How does the suppression of our authenticity manifest imbalances in the body?
How does toxic positivity affect the body?
Addressing perfectionism
Can we move forward without knowing what caused us trauma?
How to tap into your authenticity

Dr. Katie Rose Resources
Dr. Katie’s Instagram 
Dr. Katie’s website

Dr. Katie Rose is a licensed naturopathic physician and fertility coach who has helped hundreds overcome infertility. Her unique 3 step method to support the body, mind and spirit has allowed her clients to conceive despite years of unexplained infertility, failed IVF treatments, PCOS, Hashimoto’s, endometriosis, and recurrent pregnancy losses.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

83. Manifesting Well-being & Wealth for Entrepreneurs with Madison Arnholt

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Madison’s unique approach combines intuition, mindset, energetics, emotional release and manifestation all refined through her own transformation from sexual trauma, eating disorders, severe anxiety, chronic back pain, eczema, sleeping only 2 hours a night to thriving CEO, spiritual life coach and multifaceted podcast host and wife. She’s on a mission to help you overcome what’s holding you back so you can THRIVE in all areas of your life.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Madison and I discuss:
How do we often limit ourselves as entrepreneurs?
How to find your aligned why
Where do pleasure and joy come in with manifesting success?
How to free yourself from perfectionism
How to stop the comparing yourself to other people
How do you actually become magnetic to what you want
What is your intuition and what are your old belief systems talking?
How to strengthen your intuition
Biohacking for thicker, healthier hair
The ins and outs of intuitive eating

Madison Arnholt Resources
Madison’s Instagram
Ritual Queen
Madison’s Podcast

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
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Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.