Tag Archives: manifesting

83. Manifesting Well-being & Wealth for Entrepreneurs with Madison Arnholt

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Madison’s unique approach combines intuition, mindset, energetics, emotional release and manifestation all refined through her own transformation from sexual trauma, eating disorders, severe anxiety, chronic back pain, eczema, sleeping only 2 hours a night to thriving CEO, spiritual life coach and multifaceted podcast host and wife. She’s on a mission to help you overcome what’s holding you back so you can THRIVE in all areas of your life.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Madison and I discuss:
How do we often limit ourselves as entrepreneurs?
How to find your aligned why
Where do pleasure and joy come in with manifesting success?
How to free yourself from perfectionism
How to stop the comparing yourself to other people
How do you actually become magnetic to what you want
What is your intuition and what are your old belief systems talking?
How to strengthen your intuition
Biohacking for thicker, healthier hair
The ins and outs of intuitive eating

Madison Arnholt Resources
Madison’s Instagram
Ritual Queen
Madison’s Podcast

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

81. Manifesting with Your Cycle Featuring Tori Milner

This episode is a must listen if you are looking to become more powerful and empowered from within. Tori Milner joins us to discuss fertility awareness, the four phases of the menstrual cycle and the energy behind each phase, which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom, how can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in, and how to manifest with our menstrual cycle.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode Tori and I discuss
Why would someone want to take charge of their own contraception?
What is fertility awareness?
What does it mean to be independent in our fertility?
What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?
What is the energy behind each phase of our menstrual cycle?
Which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom?
How can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in?
What tools can we use to embrace our cycle?
How can we manifest with our menstrual cycle?
How can we transform scarcity mindset with the help of our menstrual cycle?
What are ways we can reconnect to our womb?

Tori Milner Resources
Tori’s Instagram 

Tori is a Menstrual Educator and Cycle and Transitions Coach who specializes in supporting people 1-1 during major life transitions of all kinds. She has a passion for cyclical living and wisdom that comes from harvesting the power of our cycles. Specifically connecting to your inner power and the energy of abundance within.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

60. Manifesting Using the Law of Assumption with Hedley Derenzie

I am over the moon to have Hedley Derenzie, Qualified Life Coach on the show today to talk about the Law of Assumption! If you are familiar with manifestation and the law of attraction you are definitely going to want to listen to this. The law of assumption is, to quote Hedley, is the law of attraction on steroids. We discuss how the law of assumption works, how to change beliefs you currently have to help you manifest, and what ONE thing creates your reality. Hedley also shares how to use the law of assumption for anti-aging and beauty, so make sure to listen all the way through to the end. 

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 20% off with code DORAVANDEKAMP

In this episode we discuss:
Trusting the process even when things don’t go as planned
How does one know if they are on the right path?
Who was Neville Goddard?
What made him one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time?
What is the law of assumption and how does it work?
How can we find the way back to our truest selves?
Are people really a mirror when it comes to our energy?
Why relationships tend to be a catalyst for manifesting.
How you might be ghosting yourself.
What is the ONE thing that creates your reality?
What is self-concept?
How to change beliefs you have about yourself.
What is the process of “purging”?
Where do imagination and visualization come in?
Powerful beauty tips using the Law of Assumption.

Hedley Derenzie Resources
Hedley Derenzie Instagram
Hedley Derenzie YouTube

Hedley Derenzie Website

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

40. Become the Vibrational Match: Manifestation and the Power of Your Words with Jaclyn DiGregorio

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Jaclyn DiGregorio is an in-demand motivational speaker, best-selling author, and business coach with experience on more than 125 stages in 7 countries, including the Tedx stage. Jaclyn inspires audiences to stop dimming their light and follow their dreams no matter what fears are holding them back. She is the host of the Spark Your Light Podcast.

In this interview Jaclyn and I discuss:

What does it really mean to “have it all?”
How to get into abundance mindset
How to let go of scarcity mindset?
How to fall in life with the life you currently have
How do you “manifest?”
How does your subconscious mind affect what you manifest?
How to tap into and transform your subconscious mind
What is “tapping” and how does it work?
The power of affirmations
What tools are the most powerful for changing limiting beliefs?
How does identity play into success and manifestation?
How can you transform your identity?
What one word do you want to avoid with manifesting?
When do we take action?
What other universal laws are important to know?
How to keep commitments to yourself
How to define your own goals

Instagram: @jaclyndigregorio
Spark Your Light Podcast

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp
Book a consultation call for coaching with Dora
Biohack Your Beauty Free Toolkit

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

36. The Manifestation Mindset: Strategies for Receiving with Madison Surdyke

Mindset plays an integral role in manifesting your desires. Getting into the receiving mode can feel confusing, and at times challenging. On this week’s episode, Mindset & Energy Coach Madison Surdyke joins us for a deep dive into techniques and strategies for attracting and receiving your desires, and how to actually enjoy the process of creating your dream life.

Get ready to take notes, there is so much potent information in this episode!

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.

In this interview Madison and I discuss:

Can you manifest anything you want?
How do you know if you’re doing enough?
What are the steps to receiving what you desire?
How does shifting your identity play into manifestation?
Is detachment important when manifesting something?
How is limbo energy limiting your manifestation?
What does it mean to lead yourself?
How do you know the difference between intuition and ego?
How can you build self-trust?
What rituals help you manifest what you desire?

Links: Instagram: @magneticallyyou 
Website: https://www.magneticallyyou.com/
Magnetically You Podcast 
Magnetically You Facebook Group
Ritual Queen

Madison Surdyke is a Mindset & Energy coach and the host of the Magnetically You Podcast. Madison teaches women how to manifest a life they’re completely in love with using the power of their mind, energy and intuition! She is on a mission to help women tap into the infinite magic within them.

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.