Tag Archives: frequencies

74. Five Simple Biohacks to Regulate Your Nervous System

When it comes to well-being, manifestation, and physical aging, our nervous system plays a BIG part. Join me as I discuss 5 powerful biohacks for balancing your nervous system to create more abundance, ease, and flow in your daily life.

Purchase your own Healy Frequency Device

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

71. Biohacking with Frequency Devices for Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Sleep, and Shifting Ancestral Patterns

The episode you have been waiting for, all about Frequency Medicine!

In this episode I discuss:
What is Frequency Biohacking?
How can frequencies help heal the body?
What benefits does the application of frequencies have for your health, anti-aging and longevity?
How to shift and reprogram ancestral patterns using frequencies.
I share my personal experiences with Frequency Biohacking.

The Freedom Frequency – Free Frequency 3 Day Masterclass
Purchase your own Healy Frequency Device
What is the difference between Healy Models?
Healy Testimonials Facebook Group
The Resonance Effect Book by Carol McMakin
Healy Science Explained
Healy: Science Meets Spirituality

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.