Tag Archives: freedom

71. Biohacking with Frequency Devices for Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Sleep, and Shifting Ancestral Patterns

The episode you have been waiting for, all about Frequency Medicine!

In this episode I discuss:
What is Frequency Biohacking?
How can frequencies help heal the body?
What benefits does the application of frequencies have for your health, anti-aging and longevity?
How to shift and reprogram ancestral patterns using frequencies.
I share my personal experiences with Frequency Biohacking.

The Freedom Frequency – Free Frequency 3 Day Masterclass
Purchase your own Healy Frequency Device
What is the difference between Healy Models?
Healy Testimonials Facebook Group
The Resonance Effect Book by Carol McMakin
Healy Science Explained
Healy: Science Meets Spirituality

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

48. Lifestyle Hacks to Improve Mental Health – Part II

This week, I am breaking down more of my favorite lifestyle hacks for improving my mental health and emotional wellbeing. These are the things that have had the most impact for me, personally.

If you or someone you know is in crisis: call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741).

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.

Emotional Guidance Scale

Lid Off the Cauldron Book

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price Book
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Earthing/Grounding Mat
Blue Blocking Glasses for sleep

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

38. The Sacred Body: Sovereignty & Sexuality with Tiffany Janay

Tiffany Janay is a Sacred Sexuality Coach and thought leader in the Wellness community. In this interview we talk about the sacredness of the body, body sovereignty, sexuality, holistic health, the current wave of censorship, staying grounded in these uncertain times, staying free, and the manifestation of a new world. 

In this interview Tiffany and I discuss:

What does it mean to be sacred and sexual?
Tiffany’s work as a sacred sexuality coach
What is emotional maturity in sexuality?
How can you honor your “negative” emotions?
Methods to express emotions
What happens when we bring our emotions into the bedroom?
The role of authenticity in the current world
The power of surrender and trust during uncertain times
Censorship on social media
Staying grounded in the midst of fear culture
How Tiffany has been preparing for this day for the last 25 years
Should we begin preparing for the “worst-case” scenario?
What role does holistic health play in all of this?
Fortification of your etheric body
What will the new world look like?
Will people ever unite in health?
Tiffany’s favorite beauty tools and tips

Instagram: @tiffanyjanay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiffanyjanay/
Sexually Mature: https://sexually-mature.mn.co/
Yoni Eggs: https://www.yonieggs.com/

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp
Book a consultation call for coaching with Dora
Biohack Your Beauty Toolkit