Tag Archives: female

88. Design a Life You Love with Dayle Sheehan

Today’s episode is all about designing a life you love, despite the challenges and obstacles that may arise.

Dayle Sheehan helps her clients design a life they love. She is an interior designer, website designer, public speaker, top 40 under 40 winner and a happiness guru! Dayle has been in a wheelchair since the age of 16 and despite the challenges associated with that, she has built an incredible, successful and most importantly, happy life.

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In this episode, Dayle and I discuss
Dayle’s inspiring story
How Dayle overcame immense challenges and obstacles
How Dayle transformed her health when her mobility became limited
How Dayle started her successful interior design business
Setting boundaries for well-being
Dating with mobility challenges
How Dayle met her husband
Overcoming the story we tell ourselves that we are not lovable
Powerful tips for designing a life you love

Dayle Sheehan Resources
Dayle’s Instagram
Dayle’s Website
Interior Designs with Dayle

Dora’s Resources
Image Consulting – Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

84. Getting Sober Curious for More Joy, Success and Wealth with Karolina Rzadkowolska of Euphoric AF

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Karolina Rzadkowolska is an alcohol-free empowerment expert who helps intuitive women ditch
alcohol and discover their greater purpose. She’s worked with thousands of clients through her
programs to change their drinking habit and unleash a new level of health, happiness, and
potential to go after their biggest dreams. She is the bestselling author of the book, Euphoric:
Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You (HarperCollins) and her work has been
featured in the Huffington Post, The Sunday Post, Popsugar, Real Simple, Elite Daily and
multiple TV shows. Karolina’s passionate about helping you discover what really makes you
happy outside of a beverage and design a life you love. She would love to hear from you at

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In this episode, Karolina and I discuss
Why does it feel like we need permission not to drink?
What is considered “normal” drinking?
What is the impact of alcohol?
What tends to be the biggest influencer in how much we drink?
Does alcohol actually help to relax us?
How to take a break from alcohol
What are some satisfying substitutes for alcohol?
How do we break away from the habit of drinking?
What is the best way to tell your loved ones you’re taking a break from alcohol?
How long does it take for your body to rebalance after consuming alcohol?

Karolina Rzadkowolska Resources
Book and Free Gift For Listeners
Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You
Karolina’s Instagram

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

82. Styling, Strengthening and Caring for Textured Hair with Monae Everett

Monaé Everett is a celebrity hair stylist, author, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion consultant with over 20 years of experience. Her work can be seen in media ranging from Harper’s BAZAAR to Yahoo! and ESSENCE to Hair’s How. She has worked with celebs including Tia Mowry, Yara Shahidi, and Emily Tosta. Monae’s passion project, the Texture Style Awards, a competition for hairstylists, is centered around diversity and inclusion to help the world see the beauty in all hair textures.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode Monae and I discuss
What are some of the challenges women with textured hair face?
What principles does Monae live by to create the beautiful hairstyles that she is so well known for?
How does coloring our hair impact hair texture and how do we work with colored hair?
How can we put more moisture into our hair?
What is a natural option for moisturizing our hair?
What one oil kicks off the growth stage for your hair?
What vitamins are good for growing healthier hair?
What causes hair breakage at the ends that you may not be aware of?
What are the best biohacks to help your hair stay healthy?
Best tips for wearing extensions to protect your hair and look your best
What are the texture style awards?
How can you find a hairstylist who works with your type of hair?
Tips for loving your hair, every day.

Monae Everett Resources
Monae’s Instagram
Monae’s Facebook
Monae’s YouTube
Monae’s Website
Texture Style Awards Website
Monae’s Book Get Out of Your Own Way

Monae’s Contact:

Monaé Everett is a celebrity hair stylist, author, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion consultant with over 20 years of experience. Her work can be seen in media ranging from Harper’s BAZAAR to Yahoo! and ESSENCE to Hair’s How. She has worked with celebs including Tia Mowry, Yara Shahidi, Emily Tosta and Nickelodeon starlets including Lilimar and That Girl Lay Lay. Everett loves to educate and has launched “The Monae Life Academy” online academy specifically for hairstylists and makeup artists, teaching how to style for editorials, celebrities, and styling for all hair textures. Everett’s passion project, Texture Style Awards, a competition for hairstylists, is centered around diversity and inclusion. “We want hairstylists to recognize that their skills not only make clients look good, but help the world to see the beauty in all hair textures.” – Monaè Everett

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

81. Manifesting with Your Cycle Featuring Tori Milner

This episode is a must listen if you are looking to become more powerful and empowered from within. Tori Milner joins us to discuss fertility awareness, the four phases of the menstrual cycle and the energy behind each phase, which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom, how can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in, and how to manifest with our menstrual cycle.

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In this episode Tori and I discuss
Why would someone want to take charge of their own contraception?
What is fertility awareness?
What does it mean to be independent in our fertility?
What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?
What is the energy behind each phase of our menstrual cycle?
Which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom?
How can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in?
What tools can we use to embrace our cycle?
How can we manifest with our menstrual cycle?
How can we transform scarcity mindset with the help of our menstrual cycle?
What are ways we can reconnect to our womb?

Tori Milner Resources
Tori’s Instagram 

Tori is a Menstrual Educator and Cycle and Transitions Coach who specializes in supporting people 1-1 during major life transitions of all kinds. She has a passion for cyclical living and wisdom that comes from harvesting the power of our cycles. Specifically connecting to your inner power and the energy of abundance within.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

80. Overcoming Fertility Challenges with Dr. Katie Rose

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I am so honored to share this new episode about overcoming fertility challenges with incredible guest Dr. Katie Rose. So many women struggle with fertility challenges, and many wonder if there are options outside of the western medicine route. If you are experiencing challenges with fertility, I am sending you so much love today. I hope this episode is of service for you <3

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Dr. Katie and I discuss:
What percentage of women are diagnosed with infertility?
What are your skin-related symptoms telling you?
How does fragrance impact your fertility?
What impact do endocrine disruptors have on the fetus?
How can we nourish our bodies for hormonal health and fertility?
What does it mean to be “nourished”?
How can we help our bodies feel safe to ovulate?
What is the most vital time-period before you conceive?
What are the best foods to increase fertility?
What are the best cooking oils for fertility?
How does sugar impact fertility?
What role does stress play?
What spiritual “hacks” support fertility?
What are the best biohacks for supporting fertility?

Dr. Katie Rose Resources
Dr. Katie’s Instagram 
Dr. Katie’s website

Dr. Katie Rose is a licensed naturopathic physician and fertility coach who has helped hundreds overcome infertility. Her unique 3 step method to support the body, mind and spirit has allowed her clients to conceive despite years of unexplained infertility, failed IVF treatments, PCOS, Hashimoto’s, endometriosis, and recurrent pregnancy losses.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

79. How to Work with Your Nervous System for More Success, Prosperity and Visibility with Martina Bounni

How is your nervous system today? If you are hoping to learn how to befriend your nervous system and live more productively, calmly, compassionately and beautifully, this is the episode for you. On today’s episode, Martina Bounni joins me to share with us how to more deeply understand our own bodies and nervous systems to thrive in our businesses and our lives. We discuss how a regulated nervous system improves our relationships and productivity, how to combat procrastination, how your level of prosperity and success are linked to your nervous system state, simple accessible ways to regulate your nervous system, how we can choose habits that serve us over the habits that don’t, how nervous system work skyrockets your visibility, and much more.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Martina and I discuss:
How does a regulated nervous system improve our relationships and productivity?
How does visibility relate to the nervous system?
Why is visibility such a nervous system block for people?
How can you overcome the negative impacts of constantly being evaluated and graded in school?
Can we help our children cultivate the ability to help them self-regulate, and if so, how?
What is co-regulation and how do we do it?
How can we stop using food as a substitute for a regulated nervous system?
What impact does screen time have long term on children?
How is your nervous system shaped in our younger years?
How can you step out of your comfort zone without feeling like you might die?
Small and simple ways to regulate your nervous system.
How to choose habits that serve you over the ones that don’t.
How to self-regulate as a leader.

Martina Bounni Resources
Martina’s Instagram 
Biz Bestie Facebook Group
Martina’s Free Trainings

Martina, creator of Neuro Visibility, is a Neuro-visibility strategist who helps female entrepreneurs feel magnetic and worthy of being in the spotlight so that they can create impact and profit through the bold mission of their business.
Martina is a trauma-informed and certified Mastery Coach. Thanks to her 10+ years in a renowned international cooperation, she led the most successful team of 20 engineers worldwide as the only female manager. She knows what it takes to become the person who draws in and leads people with conviction and charisma, so success is inevitable.
Martina’s signature approach to long-term and magnetic visibility is about a stabilized Nervous System. By becoming a captivating and Nervous System friendly leader of their message, fempreneurs draw in more aligned clients, thus future-proofing skyrocketing Business Growth.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

76. Hack Your Satisfaction For a Fulfilling Life with Nicole Doyle

So excited to have coach, mentor and business strategist Nicole Doyle joins us today to talk about hacking satisfaction and how to challenge the status quo to create more fulfillment in your daily life.

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In this episode Nicole and I discuss
What does feeling “lost” in life indicate?
What are the benefits of redefining success for ourselves?
How can you step into our own truth without feeling overwhelmed?
Powerful methods for creating more satisfaction in your life.
How can you stop comparing yourself to other people?
How the compete pattern leads to avoiding
How do men and women compete differently?
Making the shift from the socialized mindset into the self-authoring mindset.

Nicole Doyle Resources
Nicole’s Instagram
Book a Satisfaction Session with Nicole 

Nicole Doyle is a coach, mentor and business strategist. She works with her clients to find satisfaction and fulfillment beyond traditional career and business success. Nicole is passionate about empowering you to see your blindspots, and to ideate, create and observe realistic and achievable plans – your way. From burnt out workaholic to finding joy in the beauty of every day, Nicole knows it is possible to live a fulfilling life now, and not to put it off for “one day when”. Nicole works with successful professionals, entrepreneurs and has ten years of business consulting, strategy and communications experience. Nicole lives on the east coast with her husband and three dogs. She is an avid gardener, growing organic food and cut flowers. She loves designing with flowers and sharing the beauty with those she loves.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

75. The EASY Approach for Autoimmune Healing with Dr. Krista Coombs

Functional medicine powerhouse Dr. Krista Coombs joins us on the Biohack Your Beauty Podcast to talk about healing from autoimmune disease using her EASY approach, resetting your metabolism for weight loss and how to have the ultimate mindset for well-being.

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In this episode Dr. Krista Coombs and I discuss
What are the four pillars of healing?
Her own journey with Hashimoto’s
What is one of the first things to consider changing when you become sick?
How does a group environment help support accelerated healing?
Do your genes make you who you are?
How can you integrate new knowledge for your health in an effective way?
What is the EASY Way approach?
How does one apply integrative medical care for autoimmune conditions?
Is there hope for those with complex autoimmune disease?
What one tool is powerful for transforming the appearance of the body?

Dr. Krista Coombs Resources
Building Immune Resilience the Easy Way FREE PROGRAM with discount code EASY100  (www.theeasyway.ca/immune)

AcuPlus Wellness Clinic on Facebook 
HeyHashi group on Facebook 

Dr. Krista Coombs has been practicing Chinese medicine for over two decades, and in the last 9 years has also integrated Functional medicine into her practice, elevating her ability to help patients regain their health and to truly thrive.
Through her own experience learning to manage a complex autoimmune condition, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, she eventually realized the need for reverence around the fundamentals for health. Ensuring the fundamentals are being mastered is crucial to do either before or at least while digging deeper for answers using fancy testing and while including supplements and medications.
This realization lead her to the development of her online group program, The EASY Way with Dr. K, which teaches the lucky Members how to establish the foundations for healing, in an empowered, low cost way, so that their stubborn metabolism gets reset, weight is appropriately managed, and the body’s varied systems start functioning better and better together as Nature intended.
She has seen for herself and hundreds of patients how this renewed focus on the foundations reduces the need for more complex treatment strategies, all giving the power back to the patient to direct their lives and increase their health span.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

74. Five Simple Biohacks to Regulate Your Nervous System

When it comes to well-being, manifestation, and physical aging, our nervous system plays a BIG part. Join me as I discuss 5 powerful biohacks for balancing your nervous system to create more abundance, ease, and flow in your daily life.

Purchase your own Healy Frequency Device

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

70. Physical & Spiritual Nervous System Regulation with Rachael Alaia

I am so excited to bring you this new episode of this new season with the incredible Rachael Alaia. Today we are talking about nervous system regulation. We dive into the physical aspects of regulating the nervous system as well as the spiritual aspects, and talk about how to change our coping mechanisms, take steps to transform the nervous system, and orient ourselves towards self-love. 

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In this episode Rachael and I discuss:
How do we change our coping mechanisms?
What is the first step to transforming our nervous system?
What is the antidote to shame?
Can we really do it all and have it all?
What one thing has an impact on your life-long mental health?
How do we know when our thoughts are grounded in truth?
How do we orient ourselves towards self-love?
How can you know what is really happening in your body?
How does a relationship with God impact your nervous system?

Rachael Alaia Resources

Rachael Alaia is an embodiment mentor, healing practitioner, and transformational coach for mothers + creative women. Engaging somatic literacy, nervous system practices, mindfulness, spiritual ministry, and shadow work, Rachael supports her clients to experience greater peace, pleasure, and vitality across all areas of their life. 

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.