Tag Archives: biorhythm

81. Manifesting with Your Cycle Featuring Tori Milner

This episode is a must listen if you are looking to become more powerful and empowered from within. Tori Milner joins us to discuss fertility awareness, the four phases of the menstrual cycle and the energy behind each phase, which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom, how can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in, and how to manifest with our menstrual cycle.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode Tori and I discuss
Why would someone want to take charge of their own contraception?
What is fertility awareness?
What does it mean to be independent in our fertility?
What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?
What is the energy behind each phase of our menstrual cycle?
Which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom?
How can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in?
What tools can we use to embrace our cycle?
How can we manifest with our menstrual cycle?
How can we transform scarcity mindset with the help of our menstrual cycle?
What are ways we can reconnect to our womb?

Tori Milner Resources
Tori’s Instagram 

Tori is a Menstrual Educator and Cycle and Transitions Coach who specializes in supporting people 1-1 during major life transitions of all kinds. She has a passion for cyclical living and wisdom that comes from harvesting the power of our cycles. Specifically connecting to your inner power and the energy of abundance within.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

80. Overcoming Fertility Challenges with Dr. Katie Rose

Get the Parenting Bundle (99% off until May 20th)

I am so honored to share this new episode about overcoming fertility challenges with incredible guest Dr. Katie Rose. So many women struggle with fertility challenges, and many wonder if there are options outside of the western medicine route. If you are experiencing challenges with fertility, I am sending you so much love today. I hope this episode is of service for you <3

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Dr. Katie and I discuss:
What percentage of women are diagnosed with infertility?
What are your skin-related symptoms telling you?
How does fragrance impact your fertility?
What impact do endocrine disruptors have on the fetus?
How can we nourish our bodies for hormonal health and fertility?
What does it mean to be “nourished”?
How can we help our bodies feel safe to ovulate?
What is the most vital time-period before you conceive?
What are the best foods to increase fertility?
What are the best cooking oils for fertility?
How does sugar impact fertility?
What role does stress play?
What spiritual “hacks” support fertility?
What are the best biohacks for supporting fertility?

Dr. Katie Rose Resources
Dr. Katie’s Instagram 
Dr. Katie’s website

Dr. Katie Rose is a licensed naturopathic physician and fertility coach who has helped hundreds overcome infertility. Her unique 3 step method to support the body, mind and spirit has allowed her clients to conceive despite years of unexplained infertility, failed IVF treatments, PCOS, Hashimoto’s, endometriosis, and recurrent pregnancy losses.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

73. Biohacking for Weight Loss & Bloating Issues

Get the Parenting Bundle (99% off until May 20th)

In this episode I discuss 4 powerful biohacks for weight loss, metabolic health, and bloating issues. 

Good Face

Purchase your own Healy Frequency Device

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

72. Somatic Awareness and the Path to Transformation with Taune Lyons MA, AMFT

My good friend Taune Lyons MA, AMFT joins us on the Biohack Your Beauty Podcast to talk about transpersonal and somatic therapy, nervous system and somatic awareness, the impact of trauma on our lives.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode Taune and I discuss
The transpersonal approach as a means of transformation
How is the body a vessel to express our soul?
Right-brained embodiment and what that entails
What is the witch wound and how does it manifest in our lives?
Why do we get “the ick” in beneficial and healthy experiences when we have had trauma?
How do we face the places in us that feel unavailable?
Why is it so hard to ask for help sometimes?
What is problematic about the goddess movement?
How can we change our patterns and programming?
Techniques for nervous system awareness
The ways in which we bypass intimacy, sexuality and connection
Can we truly heal, and if so, how?
What is somatic consent?

Taune Lyons Resources
Conscious Love Course

Taune is a transpersonal and somatic therapist who came to psychotherapy through the well-traversed wounded healer’s path, and is driven to help others achieve greater awareness, authenticity, intimacy, and freedom. She views safe, healing relationships as the foundation to a well-lived life, and is devoted to understanding and helping folks create healthier and intentional relationships – including the one they have with themselves.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

70. Physical & Spiritual Nervous System Regulation with Rachael Alaia

I am so excited to bring you this new episode of this new season with the incredible Rachael Alaia. Today we are talking about nervous system regulation. We dive into the physical aspects of regulating the nervous system as well as the spiritual aspects, and talk about how to change our coping mechanisms, take steps to transform the nervous system, and orient ourselves towards self-love. 

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode Rachael and I discuss:
How do we change our coping mechanisms?
What is the first step to transforming our nervous system?
What is the antidote to shame?
Can we really do it all and have it all?
What one thing has an impact on your life-long mental health?
How do we know when our thoughts are grounded in truth?
How do we orient ourselves towards self-love?
How can you know what is really happening in your body?
How does a relationship with God impact your nervous system?

Rachael Alaia Resources

Rachael Alaia is an embodiment mentor, healing practitioner, and transformational coach for mothers + creative women. Engaging somatic literacy, nervous system practices, mindfulness, spiritual ministry, and shadow work, Rachael supports her clients to experience greater peace, pleasure, and vitality across all areas of their life. 

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


69. The Modern Primal Diet for Optimal Health with Olivia of Revolve Primal Health

Get the Holistic Parenting Bundle (99% off until May 20th)

Join me for an in depth interview with Olivia of Revolve Primal Health as we discuss eating primally in this modern world.

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 20% off with code DORAVANDEKAMP

In this episode Olivia and I discuss:
What does it mean to eat a modern primal diet?
What is the worst type of fat for your health?
How to find quality avocado oil?
What kind of meats are ideal to eat on a modern primal diet?
Where do cheese and dairy come in?
Is chicken really as healthy as we think?
What is the best fitness for a primal lifestyle?
What are some indicators that it’s time to change the way we are eating?
The problem with intuitive eating.
What would you tell someone who is struggling with cravings or disordered eating?
What are your favorite foods for beautiful skin?
What are some “healthy” foods that are actually unhealthy?
How can people source truly healthy foods?
What are your favorite biohacks?

Revolve Primal Health Resources
Revolve Primal Health Instagram
Kitchen Course
Free Skin Health guide

Julia and Olivia are a mother-daughter duo passionate about promoting health and wellness with our modern lifestyle. Their interests in supporting healthy people and a healthy planet come together in (R)evolve Primal Health, a modern primal lifestyle brand. (R)evolve is centered on a scientifically validated wellness plan that supports our genetic evolutionary blueprint with real food, low-carb eating, inspired movement and play, and stress reduction. Julia and Olivia strive for balance in all aspects of life.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

68. Biohack Your Libido, Pleasure, and Sexuality with Anna Lindfors

Join me for a revolutionary interview with Sexologist Anna Lindfors as we discuss biohacking your libido, pleasure, and sexuality!

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 20% off with code DORAVANDEKAMP

In this episode Anna and I discuss:
How can we take back our sexual power?
In what ways do we give away our sexual power?
How can we reconnect with our sexuality?
When was there a time when women were truly connected to their sexuality?
The impact of sexuality on our happiness and our health?
How the culture around sex creates sexual trauma?
What biohacks help our sexuality and sexual health?
How can you cultivate pleasure in your body?
What are some things you can do right now to raise your libido?
How does our monthly cycle give insight into our libido?
How many types of female orgasms are there?
How to talk to your kids about sex
When does porn create problems with your sexuality
Is semen retention beneficial?
What is intra-vaginal red light therapy?
What are the best biohacks for sexual health?
How can men optimize their performance?
Anna’s beauty tips

Anna Lindfors Resources
Anna Instagram

Anna is a biohacking Sexologist specializing in sexological therapy & trauma. Through her profession, Anna has seen how prevalent challenges with sexuality are: we all experience them. That’s why her passion is to promote sexual health as part of holistic wellbeing and bring back pleasure to ALL areas of life. It all starts by reconnecting with oneself: Anna travels the journey with her clients into the depths of themselves, rebuilding boundaries and desires, and unlocking authentic pleasure. Her integrative approach to well-being and sexual health stems from professional and personal adventures around the world. Studying psychology and counseling in Scotland gave her a broad understanding of human experience and behavior. Researching integrative therapy in Spain taught her the importance of mind-body connection and non-verbal communication in our relationship with self and others. Supporting inmates of a rehabilitation program in a Brazilian youth prison showed her the resilience and aspiration for growth we all share. And now creating innovative concepts globally in sexology allows her to ride the wave of new sextech, femtech and wellness solutions.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

65. Holistic Dental Health & Tooth Care with Dr. Seb Lomas

Holistic Dentist Dr. Seb Lomas joins us on the Biohack Your Beauty Podcast to talk about holistic dentistry and how to hack your dental health. This is a subject that is so intricately linked to our overall well-being and longevity but is rarely talked about. In this episode, Dr. Seb teaches us the correct way to breathe to support strong healthy teeth; if you can heal a cavity without a dentist and if so how, and simple techniques that you can implement daily to improve the appearance and health of your teeth, Dr. Seb also shares some empowering lifestyle tips to help you support your dental health.

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 20% off with code DORAVANDEKAMP

In this episode Dr. Seb and I discuss:
What led Dr. Seb to become a Holistic Dentist?
How is our dental health linked to our body’s health?
The link between our teeth and our energetic body.
What is oil pulling and how does it improve our teeth?
What daily technique reduces plaque by 50%?
What does tongue scraping do for your dental health?
What is the difference between mouth breathing and nose breathing?
What are the long term effects of mouth breathing?
Dr. Seb’s surprising opinion about flossing
Can you heal a cavity?
What lifestyle habits and foods support healthy teeth?
What are the potential long term consequences of fluoride use?
How often should you get dental x-rays?
Should you get amalgam fillings removed?
What are the potential effects of amalgam fillings?
What to look for to safely get your fillings removed and replaced.

Dr. Seb Resources
Wonder of Wellness Website
Dr. Seb Instagram

Dr. Seb has a first class degree in Chemistry and Dentistry. He is a qualified dentist with a key interest in integrating holistic health with modern dentistry and wellbeing. He loves to geek out on the Chemical profiles of each Essential Oil and their effects on the human body. Having been so anti ‘natural solutions’ for his whole life, ironically it was natural solutions that were the only thing to get him out of his health crisis. As a result he is now super passionate to shine his light and knowledge and show others the way. Backing it all up with science of course!

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

63. The 11 Principles of Traditional Diets According to Weston A. Price

Join me as I share the 11 principles of traditional/ancestral diets that Weston A. Price studied and documented in his groundbreaking book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

Resources: westonaprice.org

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 20% off with code DORAVANDEKAMP

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

62. A Biohackers Morning Routine for Optimizing Mind, Body, and Soul

Join me as I share powerful insights into why a morning ritual can help optimize your daily life, and my own personal morning routine to truly have the best day ever, every single day!

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: https://biohackyourbeauty.com/shopbyb/

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 20% off with code DORAVANDEKAMP

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.