Tag Archives: addiction

12. How to be WILD, Beautiful, and Free with Tara Mackey

Tara Mackey is the founder and CEO of The Organic Life, a successful holistic and sustainable living platform, and is a widely recognized social media personality. She founded the organic beauty company Genetix Skincare and is the #1 best-selling author of Cured by Nature and WILD Habits.

Tara has quite a story. She was born with drugs in her body, and her mother overdosed in front of her time and time again before Tara was even four years old. She was taken in by her grandparents, and lived with them, still experiencing the emotional rollercoaster of codependency and trauma that came with her mother’s addiction and her coming and going in and out of her life. At age 13, Tara was taken to a psychiatrist for an “evaluation” that lasted about 5 minutes, and resulted in a prescription for a drug called “Lithium”. This was just the beginning of Tara’s life in a haze of pharmaceutical pills: by age 24, she was taking 14 different prescription drugs and had reached the point of suicide.

Thankfully, Tara survived. She is here now to tell you the story of how she successfully quit all drugs, how she healed her chronic illnesses, and what helped her change her habits and her lifestyle. Her experiences and methods are so powerful that she teaches this “WILD Method” to people across the world who want to heal from the inside out, find happiness, and discover their true selves.

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Here are some of the topics discussed in this episode:

How to be WILD: Tara describes the WILD Method and how to use it to implement new habits, release unhealthy ones, and change your lifestyle

How to feel beautiful: Tara talks about methods to enhance your inner and outer beauty using holistic and natural methods

How to be free: Tara shares how to open yourself up to new possibilites, and how to dare to dream big

Tara talks about her traumatic childhood, and how she became addicted to 14 prescription medications.

What Tara’s three year withdrawal from prescription medication was like

Tara describes the last time she came close to turning back to pharmaceutical drugs

How to move through fear, especially fear of being alone

How do you determine if someone is toxic in your life?

What are some signs that someone is manipulating you or being toxic?

How to implement discipline in your life when it comes to your lifestyle

What are some ways to manifest amazing things in your life?

Tara talks about organic skincare and how she healed her own psoriasis

What is the power of topical melatonin in anti-aging?

Tara talks about her wildly successful breast enhancement oil




Purchase Tara’s book WILD Habits

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