Monthly Archives: May 2023

87. Intentional Living with the Biodynamic Calendar featuring Jahnan Derso

Today’s episode is all about honoring your full expression of visual astrology, and how the biodynamic calendar can help you thrive in your personal life, business and community.

Jahnan Derso mentors spiritual entrepreneurs who want to shift the way they are anchored into each day. She shows you how to harness cosmic energy with biodynamic calendars, moon phases, and other Power Tools. Her goal is to help you transform your To-Do List, so you can feel more aligned with the life you desire.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Jahnan and I discuss
How does the moon affect our bodies?
How can we harness the power of the cosmos in our daily lives?
What are the elements in the biodynamic calendar?
What is a gray day and how can we utilize it?
All about the thirteenth moon and how to harness her power.
How can we shift our spirituality from a mental concept to embodiment?
All about Jahnan’s app BeBiodynamic
How the Biodynamic calendar differs from astrology
How to utilize the Biodynamic calendar to thrive in business
The fine art of asking for help
How to enjoy the mundane tasks of life
Motherhood and the biodynamic calendar

Jahnan Derso Resources
BeBiodynamic App & Website
Jahnan’s Instagram

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

86. Manifest with Ease & Transform Your Mindset with EFT Tapping Featuring Valerie Greene

If you are looking for a truly transformative tool that you can easily apply and use to make big changes in your life, this is the episode for you. Valerie Greene helps people struggling with overwhelming stress and negative self-talk develop new empowering beliefs to not only build self-confidence but recover happiness in all aspects of their lives through EFT tapping.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode Valerie and I discuss
How can we shift our limiting beliefs?
How to know which belief is actually limiting you so that you can address it?
What is quick tapping and how do you do it effectively?
How can you reprogram your vagus nerve?
How can we use EFT to speed up manifesting?
How can we manage overwhelming emotions?
How can we reprogram our beliefs to attract more wealth?

Valerie Greene Resources
Valerie’s Instagram
Valerie’s Website

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

85. Success & Sales Secrets for Creating Generational Wealth with Shannon Desouza

Get the Holistic Parenting Bundle (99% off until May 20th)

Today we are getting down to business! Shannon Desouza joins us today to talk about female entrepreneurship, how to be consistent in your business and on social media, personal branding, balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, and strategies for stepping into your highest potential financially. Shannon is an award winning entrepreneur and sales expert who helps her high ticket clients create generational wealth by aligning their audience, offer and messaging. She has worked with 350+ clients, ranging from just getting started to multi 7 figures.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Shannon and I discuss:
Why do women have a hard time “selling”?
How can you make selling easy?
Is the entrepreneur life for you?
How can you overcome your fear of failure?
What is the #1 way to step into your highest potential as an entrepreneur?
How to get clear on your unique offer
How to balance motherhood and entrepreneurship?
Strategies for successful mom-preneurs
How can we stay consistent with social media?

Shannon Desouze Resources
Shannon’s Instagram
Shannon’s Facebook Group

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

84. Getting Sober Curious for More Joy, Success and Wealth with Karolina Rzadkowolska of Euphoric AF

Get the Holistic Parenting Bundle (99% off until May 20th)

Karolina Rzadkowolska is an alcohol-free empowerment expert who helps intuitive women ditch
alcohol and discover their greater purpose. She’s worked with thousands of clients through her
programs to change their drinking habit and unleash a new level of health, happiness, and
potential to go after their biggest dreams. She is the bestselling author of the book, Euphoric:
Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You (HarperCollins) and her work has been
featured in the Huffington Post, The Sunday Post, Popsugar, Real Simple, Elite Daily and
multiple TV shows. Karolina’s passionate about helping you discover what really makes you
happy outside of a beverage and design a life you love. She would love to hear from you at

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Karolina and I discuss
Why does it feel like we need permission not to drink?
What is considered “normal” drinking?
What is the impact of alcohol?
What tends to be the biggest influencer in how much we drink?
Does alcohol actually help to relax us?
How to take a break from alcohol
What are some satisfying substitutes for alcohol?
How do we break away from the habit of drinking?
What is the best way to tell your loved ones you’re taking a break from alcohol?
How long does it take for your body to rebalance after consuming alcohol?

Karolina Rzadkowolska Resources
Book and Free Gift For Listeners
Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You
Karolina’s Instagram

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

83. Manifesting Well-being & Wealth for Entrepreneurs with Madison Arnholt

Get the Parenting Bundle (99% off until May 20th)

Madison’s unique approach combines intuition, mindset, energetics, emotional release and manifestation all refined through her own transformation from sexual trauma, eating disorders, severe anxiety, chronic back pain, eczema, sleeping only 2 hours a night to thriving CEO, spiritual life coach and multifaceted podcast host and wife. She’s on a mission to help you overcome what’s holding you back so you can THRIVE in all areas of your life.

Purchase Your Own Personal Frequency Device Here

In this episode, Madison and I discuss:
How do we often limit ourselves as entrepreneurs?
How to find your aligned why
Where do pleasure and joy come in with manifesting success?
How to free yourself from perfectionism
How to stop the comparing yourself to other people
How do you actually become magnetic to what you want
What is your intuition and what are your old belief systems talking?
How to strengthen your intuition
Biohacking for thicker, healthier hair
The ins and outs of intuitive eating

Madison Arnholt Resources
Madison’s Instagram
Ritual Queen
Madison’s Podcast

Dora’s Resources
Book a Discovery Call 
Sign up for my weekly newsletter 
Join me on Clubhouse each Tuesday 

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.