81. Manifesting with Your Cycle Featuring Tori Milner

This episode is a must listen if you are looking to become more powerful and empowered from within. Tori Milner joins us to discuss fertility awareness, the four phases of the menstrual cycle and the energy behind each phase, which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom, how can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in, and how to manifest with our menstrual cycle.

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In this episode Tori and I discuss
Why would someone want to take charge of their own contraception?
What is fertility awareness?
What does it mean to be independent in our fertility?
What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?
What is the energy behind each phase of our menstrual cycle?
Which phase of our cycle holds deep inner wisdom?
How can you tell which phase of your cycle you’re in?
What tools can we use to embrace our cycle?
How can we manifest with our menstrual cycle?
How can we transform scarcity mindset with the help of our menstrual cycle?
What are ways we can reconnect to our womb?

Tori Milner Resources
Tori’s Instagram 

Tori is a Menstrual Educator and Cycle and Transitions Coach who specializes in supporting people 1-1 during major life transitions of all kinds. She has a passion for cyclical living and wisdom that comes from harvesting the power of our cycles. Specifically connecting to your inner power and the energy of abundance within.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.