75. The EASY Approach for Autoimmune Healing with Dr. Krista Coombs

Functional medicine powerhouse Dr. Krista Coombs joins us on the Biohack Your Beauty Podcast to talk about healing from autoimmune disease using her EASY approach, resetting your metabolism for weight loss and how to have the ultimate mindset for well-being.

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In this episode Dr. Krista Coombs and I discuss
What are the four pillars of healing?
Her own journey with Hashimoto’s
What is one of the first things to consider changing when you become sick?
How does a group environment help support accelerated healing?
Do your genes make you who you are?
How can you integrate new knowledge for your health in an effective way?
What is the EASY Way approach?
How does one apply integrative medical care for autoimmune conditions?
Is there hope for those with complex autoimmune disease?
What one tool is powerful for transforming the appearance of the body?

Dr. Krista Coombs Resources
Building Immune Resilience the Easy Way FREE PROGRAM with discount code EASY100  (www.theeasyway.ca/immune)

AcuPlus Wellness Clinic on Facebook 
HeyHashi group on Facebook 

Dr. Krista Coombs has been practicing Chinese medicine for over two decades, and in the last 9 years has also integrated Functional medicine into her practice, elevating her ability to help patients regain their health and to truly thrive.
Through her own experience learning to manage a complex autoimmune condition, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, she eventually realized the need for reverence around the fundamentals for health. Ensuring the fundamentals are being mastered is crucial to do either before or at least while digging deeper for answers using fancy testing and while including supplements and medications.
This realization lead her to the development of her online group program, The EASY Way with Dr. K, which teaches the lucky Members how to establish the foundations for healing, in an empowered, low cost way, so that their stubborn metabolism gets reset, weight is appropriately managed, and the body’s varied systems start functioning better and better together as Nature intended.
She has seen for herself and hundreds of patients how this renewed focus on the foundations reduces the need for more complex treatment strategies, all giving the power back to the patient to direct their lives and increase their health span.

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.