65. Holistic Dental Health & Tooth Care with Dr. Seb Lomas

Holistic Dentist Dr. Seb Lomas joins us on the Biohack Your Beauty Podcast to talk about holistic dentistry and how to hack your dental health. This is a subject that is so intricately linked to our overall well-being and longevity but is rarely talked about. In this episode, Dr. Seb teaches us the correct way to breathe to support strong healthy teeth; if you can heal a cavity without a dentist and if so how, and simple techniques that you can implement daily to improve the appearance and health of your teeth, Dr. Seb also shares some empowering lifestyle tips to help you support your dental health.

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In this episode Dr. Seb and I discuss:
What led Dr. Seb to become a Holistic Dentist?
How is our dental health linked to our body’s health?
The link between our teeth and our energetic body.
What is oil pulling and how does it improve our teeth?
What daily technique reduces plaque by 50%?
What does tongue scraping do for your dental health?
What is the difference between mouth breathing and nose breathing?
What are the long term effects of mouth breathing?
Dr. Seb’s surprising opinion about flossing
Can you heal a cavity?
What lifestyle habits and foods support healthy teeth?
What are the potential long term consequences of fluoride use?
How often should you get dental x-rays?
Should you get amalgam fillings removed?
What are the potential effects of amalgam fillings?
What to look for to safely get your fillings removed and replaced.

Dr. Seb Resources
Wonder of Wellness Website
Dr. Seb Instagram

Dr. Seb has a first class degree in Chemistry and Dentistry. He is a qualified dentist with a key interest in integrating holistic health with modern dentistry and wellbeing. He loves to geek out on the Chemical profiles of each Essential Oil and their effects on the human body. Having been so anti ‘natural solutions’ for his whole life, ironically it was natural solutions that were the only thing to get him out of his health crisis. As a result he is now super passionate to shine his light and knowledge and show others the way. Backing it all up with science of course!

Dora Vandekamp Resources
Instagram: @doravandekamp

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.