Monthly Archives: August 2021

36. The Manifestation Mindset: Strategies for Receiving with Madison Surdyke

Mindset plays an integral role in manifesting your desires. Getting into the receiving mode can feel confusing, and at times challenging. On this week’s episode, Mindset & Energy Coach Madison Surdyke joins us for a deep dive into techniques and strategies for attracting and receiving your desires, and how to actually enjoy the process of creating your dream life.

Get ready to take notes, there is so much potent information in this episode!

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.

In this interview Madison and I discuss:

Can you manifest anything you want?
How do you know if you’re doing enough?
What are the steps to receiving what you desire?
How does shifting your identity play into manifestation?
Is detachment important when manifesting something?
How is limbo energy limiting your manifestation?
What does it mean to lead yourself?
How do you know the difference between intuition and ego?
How can you build self-trust?
What rituals help you manifest what you desire?

Links: Instagram: @magneticallyyou 
Magnetically You Podcast 
Magnetically You Facebook Group
Ritual Queen

Madison Surdyke is a Mindset & Energy coach and the host of the Magnetically You Podcast. Madison teaches women how to manifest a life they’re completely in love with using the power of their mind, energy and intuition! She is on a mission to help women tap into the infinite magic within them.

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

35. Unlock Your Biological Feminine Superpowers with Kayla Osterhoff

This week’s episode is such a powerful one. Neuropsychophysiologist Kayla Osterhoff joins me to talk about women’s biological superpowers. These superpowers can be harnessed, amplified and increased through the optimization of a woman’s biorhythm.

Women are biologically different than men in many amazing ways, yet most women have never learned about the natural cycles that their bodies experience each and every month of their lives!

Get ready to tap into your divine biology to boost you cognition, energy, health, and vibrance.

This episode is a MUST-LISTEN for all women, and for anyone who loves a woman!

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.

In this interview Kayla and I discuss:

What is a woman’s biorhythm?
How is it different from a man’s biorhythm?
Neurochemical, biochemical and physiological changes do we go through each cycle?
Why women are not just “small men”.
What roles do estrogen and progesterone play in our daily life?
Why is there a giant gap in health-related research for women?
How many women are we in the course of one month?
What is the cost of ignoring our biorhythm (hint: adrenal burnout, hormonal burnout, and other health issues)
What happens to women’s brains when they are “shedding”?
How is a woman’s metabolism affected by her hormones?
Why does a woman have lower energy levels during her cycle?
What roles do estrogen and progesterone play when it comes to our moods and energy levels?
The true story of the red tent
Why do women tend to binge eat during their period?
During which phase are we the most magnetic?
During which phase are we the most social?
How can you track your cycle and your biorhythm?

Instagram: @biocurious_kayla
Kayla’s website –
Leadership Biorhythm Program – Discount Code BIOHACK for 10% off Tuition
Text “LEADER” to 775-382-9222 to get a FREE copy of the Ulimate Women’s Biorhythm Guide.

Kayla Osterhoff is a Neuropsychophysiologist and world-renowned Women’s Health Expert who is passionate about empowering women to step into the leadership roles that they are born for. Kayla is formally trained across the health sciences with a bachelor of science in health ecology, master of science in public health, and currently pursuing her doctoral degree in the field of neuropsychophysiology. Formerly, she served as a Health Scientist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and spent several years prior working in the clinical setting. The last several years of her career have been dedicated to researching women’s neuropsychology. Kayla’s investigative efforts into the brains and minds of women led her to a major discovery about women’s unique cognitive and leadership abilities.

Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

34. Peptides: The New Frontier of Anti-Aging Medicine with Dr. Amber

Have you ever wanted to truly turn back your clock to reverse the signs and symptoms of aging? As a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Amber has worked with countless women to help them do just that. In this episode, she explains how peptides hold the key to regaining your energy levels, radiant skin, an inner glow, and vibrant health.

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.

In this interview Dr. Amber and I discuss:
What is a peptide?

The best way to take peptides (injection, topical, oral)
Which peptide is right for your aging and health concerns
What are some health conditions that could be treated with peptide therapy?
Can peptides help with digestive issues like IBS?
Should you get a lab test before peptide therapy?
The best source for obtaining peptides
All about the tanning and anti-aging peptide called Melanotan 2
The peptide that boosts libido, reduces appetite, AND reduces inflammation levels 
The peptide also called the Botox peptide
The ideal combination of peptides for anti-aging
Which peptide reverses hair thinning and hair loss, and actually thickens hair
What role our mitochondria play in our energy levels
What things to look for when you are chronically fatigued 
How peptide therapy can help with boosting energy
How much of a role does lifestyle play when it comes to aging?
Where to begin with peptide therapy
How much does peptide therapy cost?
Dr. Amber’s favorite beauty tips

Dr. Amber is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor at My Bright Wellness and Medical Director for KIYA Longevity and resides in Los Angeles, CA. She is trained in regenerative medicine, detoxification protocols, hormone testing and treatment, bio-identical hormone therapy, peptide therapy and IV nutrient therapy. She also has a practice in Redondo Beach, CA where she specializes in bio-identical hormones and peptide therapy. Dr. Amber is a member of the International Peptide Society (IPS) and has completed peptide therapy certification training through the American Academy of Anti-aging (A4M).
Medical Disclaimer. The information on this podcast and website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.