33. Release Limiting Beliefs with EFT Tapping with Jennifer Harmony

In this new episode of Season of Soul, Jennifer Harmony and I discuss the incredible powers of EFT Tapping to transform limiting beliefs and heal from within.

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We also discuss: How does EFT/Tapping work?

What is the root of self-hatred?

Where to begin to love and accept yourself?

How can you get unstuck?

What stops us from being willing to change?

What is ecstatic dance?

How can self-acceptance help with healing?

What issues does EFT/Tapping work for?

What is the role of self-love in healing?

How can you see what is for you and what is not for you?

Stay tuned until the end for an AMAZING tapping session to release limiting beliefs!

About Jennifer Harmony: What Jennifer enjoys most is teaching people to love themselves. Jennifer has studied & worked in the Healing Arts for 16 years, specializing in EFT for over 10 years. She’s praised for her deep presence, which brings clarity, awareness & compassion. Having lived nomadically, mostly in Asia, for more than 18 years, absorbing the culture & practicing ancient teachings, Jennifer blends a deep spiritual perspective into her work. Jennifer is a certified EFT Master Practitioner, a passionate meditator & dedicated ecstatic dancer. She supports people in workshops & private sessions to actively listen to their own compassionate voice. The voice inside each of us which guides us home to the love & power within. She’s launching an online program teaching people how to practice EFT by themselves & create a loving inner voice, because it’s simply unnecessary to be hijacked by such negative thoughts & emotions. When we cheer ourselves on from the inside, our life experiences such an upgrade, we have more fun & are happier!

Connect with Jennifer:

Instagram: @jennifer.harmony


Jennifer’s Ignite Program: http://www.jenniferharmony.com/ignite

FB group Self-Love Revolution: https://www.facebook.com/groups/self.love.into.oneness/

Playlist of Jennifer’s EFT Tapping Videos: http://bit.ly/EFTYouTube


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