Monthly Archives: August 2018

17. Biohacking with Crystals Part Two: Energetic Cord-Cutting, EMF Protection, and Raising Your Vibration with Energy Muse

Energy Muse co-founders, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro are not only business partners, but have known each other since the age of six. In 2000, the two founded Energy Muse with the mission to educate and reconnect the world to ancient wisdom.

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.

16. Biohacking with Crystals Part One: Crystal Grids for Beauty, Health, and Abundance with Crystal Criminals

On this episode I chat with power couple and crystal experts Ksenia Avdulova and Eric Brief of Crystal Criminals. Ksenia is the creator of the internationally renowned and celebrated brand and movement, Breakfast Criminals, and the host of the Woke & Wired Podcast. Eric is a New York based multi-media artist and healer, who had Ksenia at the word “crystals”. Starting from a first date that went from coffee shop to crystal store, the Crystal Criminals offer online content and workshops to make the transformational power of crystals accessible to all.

Eric and Ksenia have a special kind of magic. Together with their crystals we dive deep into discussions about intention setting, crystal grids, programming and charging crystals, and using crystals to manifest abundance, health, and beauty.

Topics discussed in this episode
Eric and Ksenia tell the story of how their intentions manifested their relationship
Learn how to charge crystals with intention
What methods are best to use to clear your crystals?
Methods for programming your crystals to achieve and manifest what you desire
Effects that crystals can have on your energy
What crystal is best to use for your confidence, personal power, manifestation and creativity?
What crystal can you use to amplify other crystals’ powers?
What is a crystal grid?
How you can charge your water with a crystal?
Go about finding the right crystals for you
What are the healing and balancing effects of crystals on your chakras?
How do crystals affect and compliment Ksenia and Eric’s relationship and partnership?
Making a wealth attraction crystal grid
What is the power of a Jade roller for anti-aging and skin healing?
Which crystals are best for biohacking your sleep?
Crystal Criminals top three beauty biohacks





Woke & Wired Podcast

Sign up for the new Crystals IRL Online Course


Sponsored by Biophoton Services


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15. Cultivating Self-Love & Authenticity with Sah D’Simone

Some people have a magical spark about them that compels you to want to be around them; an allure that evokes a desire to share in their knowledge; and an energy that excites and motivates. Sah D’Simone is such a person.

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Take control of your health and wellness with Inside Tracker. You’ll receive 25% off with the code DORAVANDEKAMP.