11. Cosmic Beauty Rituals with Wild Embodied Women

Wild Embodied Women are two Earth goddesses on a mission to create and build a supportive & loving community, while shining a guiding light for
all women on their journey to wild embodiment.

Jamie Lee Mock

Jamie Lee is the Co-Founder & Facilitator of Wild Embodied Women. Her journey to embodiment began with the practice of yoga and quickly grew as she discovered the power of meditation and manifestation practices. Though, it wasn’t until she awakened and embraced her inner feminine knowing—her intuition—that her life began to change drastically.
Along her journey, Jamie has explored many healing modalities and has become certified as a holistic nutritionist, intuitive coach practitioner and visceral craniosacral therapist. Providing safe space, support and healing is her deepest purpose and calling.

Krystal Vrba

As the Co-Founder & Facilitator of Wild Embodied Women, Krystal Vrba integrates her knowledge and wisdom through multi-faceted healing modalities. It was just a few years ago that she was bed-ridden, suffering with severe chronic fatigue and autoimmune conditions, praying to regain health in hopes of feeling like a “normal” woman. Today, she lives from a place of gratitude having healed her life-threatening conditions. Krystal works with women struggling to feel at home in their skin where, working to bring them back to a place of personal power. She is the Co-Founder of Refresh Natural Health, returning women to their intuition and body wisdom through colon hydrotherapy, nutrition and lifestyle coaching and reiki.


Here are some of the topics we discuss in the show:

What is a wild embodied woman?

What is the purpose of pain in our lives?

What role sisterhood plays in moving through dark times and in helping us transform and evolve

How we have moved so much into the masculine and how we are all moving into our feminine energy.

How we can own our rhythm as women and how different phases of the moon connect to your internal rhythms as a woman.

How you can optimize your behaviors according to the moon cycles

How you can communicate to your partner about your own feminine rhythms

Why it’s good for your romantic relationship to talk about your various aspects of yourself

Ways for you to connect to the moon and your own body and feminine rhythms

The healing and transformative powers of coffee enemas

What rituals are powerful in reconnecting you to your own intuition?

The beautifying properties of dry skin brushing and using essential oil formulas, including a formula for reducing cellulite

What essential oil is powerful for thick healthy hair?

How the chakras are related to our natural rhythms

What is a fun way to open up your throat chakra?

How you can utilize color therapy to help you balance your chakras

How we can achieve inner harmony and what does that feel like?

How to tell the difference between your intuition and fear

How does our inner harmony make us more beautiful on the inside?

How does our intuition help us with our external beauty?

What rituals are powerful during which moon phase

The power of moon bathing

What is the significance of the waxing moon and the waning moon?

Wild Embodied Women top beauty biohacks