Monthly Archives: June 2018

9. How to Master Your Mindset with Jen Groover

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Jen Groover’s name has become synonymous with innovation, entrepreneurship, evolution and human potential. As a successful serial entrepreneur, author and thought leader in human potential, as well as a retired National Level Fitness Competitor, Jen Groover’s energy and multi-faceted, diverse wisdom and experiences have made her a highly sought after international speaker for over 20 years on topics ranging from: Optimizing Human Potential for increased Success and Happiness, Emotional Intelligence, Empowerment, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Wellness and Energy Management, Branding, Effective Communication Skills, through to Empowered Parenting. She has keynoted to audiences up to 30,000 people in stadiums, to leading intimate workshops for smaller groups, as well as online symposiums. Jen has been a top business and lifestyle contributor and content creator for major television networks such as ABC, CBS, CNBC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, and The CW.

When I created the Biohack Your Beauty Podcast, I really wanted to connect all of the dots about optimal living, because I do believe they are all connected, and that the physical, the emotional, the spiritual components all intertwine and are synergistic. Jen Groover is an expert on just that. Jen’s influence and leadership have inspired thousands of people to realize their greatest potential on all levels. Jen made Forbes list of 50 founders you need to follow on Twitter and has been tagged by Success Magazine as a “one woman brand and creativity and innovation guru.” Jen was recently nominated as a United Nations delegate to the first ever Global Accelerator for the Global Entrepreneurs Council. Jen and I talk about everything related to human potential changing limiting beliefs and habits, to forming new neuropathways in the brain, to creating the optimal mindset for manifesting and happiness.

Here are some of the questions we answer on the show:
Why are some people more motivated than others?
What is key to living a more powerful and intentional life?
What is the significance of your belief system when it comes to your potential?
Where does your belief system come from?
How might you be unknowingly sending out judgmental and closed off energy?
How is your belief system creating your outcome?
What method did Jen change her limiting beliefs and overcome her fears?
How did Jen realize specifically what was holding her back from success and how did she reprogram herself?
What is the value of failure on the journey to success?
How can you change your limiting beliefs about money?
How can you learn to ask for help?
What are the three components that are critical for creating a new belief system?
How can you create new neuropathways in your brain?
What is the power of the To Do list?
How can you create a perfect to do list to engrain positive habits?
What does your physiological state have to do with reaching your own potential?
What does sugar have to do with being in an optimal state of mind?
What lifestyle choices optimize your mental and emotional state?
What is the root cause of most depression?
How is gut health related to anxiety?
How is mental health related to emotional dis-ease?
What questions should you ask yourself to create a processing checklist?
How can you address something that bothers you?
How can you reframe in the moment when you are upset?
Is it better to deal with a problem in the moment or to wait, and why?
What is an emotionally intelligent way to deal with a conflict?
Why is physiology a component of emotional intelligence?
How can you communicate your truth to another person in the most effective way?
What is the difference between being direct and truthful and being direct and abusive?

8. Ormus: The Elixir of Life with Archer Love

The loving energy that Archer Love emits is tangible; he radiates with a sense of purpose and authenticity. His passion for Ormus, also known as the “Philosopher’s Stone” and the “Elixir of Life”, originates from his own battle with PTSD stemming from …

7. Marni Wasserman: What You Need to Know About Thyroid Health

Marni Wasserman is a culinary nutritionist and health strategist. She is the Author of Fermenting for Dummies and Plant-Based Diet For Dummies and the cohost of The Ultimate Health Podcast.  Marni uses passion and experience to educate individuals on h…

6. Luke Storey: Biohacking for Ultimate Wellness and Longevity

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here:

Imagine someone who has been to Biohacking University. Well, that is the phenomenon that is Luke Storey. Luke is the greatest source of information for biohacking the physical and spiritual body.  If you want to know where to begin with biohacking, or how to up your health game, this is the interview you need to hear.

Luke Storey has spent the past twenty one years researching and developing the ultimate lifestyle to obtain a state of optimal health, performance and wellbeing. Luke is a former Hollywood Celebrity Fashion Stylist who isn’t afraid to go to the extremes when it comes to biohacking. He has survived being injected with poisonous Amazonian frog venom, and endured weeks of neurofeedback meditation in an isolation chamber, and he continues to scour the earth for the most cutting edge as well as ancient technologies of healing and personal transformation. Luke is a public speaker, transformational coach, and entrepreneur. He shares his strategies for wellbeing through his innovative and highly effective lifestyle design coaching system and his podcast, The Life Stylist.

Luke and I geek out about travel biohacks, skin care, how to biohack your bedroom, supplementation, technology, beauty, and the magical power of authenticity. You’d be crazy not to listen to this goldmine of resources for anti-aging and wellbeing. Check it out, it’s LIVE on iTunes!

Show Notes

What is the downside of 5G replacing 3G on a widespread scale, and what are the health risks associated with it?

Why is radiation potentially bad for your longevity?

How do you measure the electromagnetic fields in your home?

Is radiation poisoning real or just a hippie dippy idea?

How are big pharma, the media, and 5G connected?

What biohacks are optimal to protect against EMFs?

How can you biohack your bedroom to get optimal sleep?

Why is quality sleep so important for beauty and anti-aging?

Why a faraday cage might be your most important biohack?

How can you biohack your air travel?

What are the three most powerful FREE biohacks for traveling?

What is an easy type of breathwork to begin practicing?

What are the easiest ways to practice earthing/grounding?

What is Luke’s favorite technology?

What supplements does Luke swear by?

How did Luke get into biohacking?

How has Luke’s own podcast changed his perspective on life?

How can emotional blocks get in the way of beauty and wellbeing?

How is authenticity and being true to yourself connected to optimal wellbeing and biohacking?

What are Luke’s top three beauty biohacks?

How should you eat for beautiful skin?


Luke Storey:, Luke Storey on Instagram, The Life Stylist Podcast

Take Back Your Power Film:

The Cube by Blue Shield (scalar technology):

Brian Hoyer – EMF and 5G expert:

Wim Hof breathwork:

Earth Pulse:

Human Charger:

Amp Coil:

Vital Reaction:

Nano Vi:


Quicksilver Scientific:

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