Monthly Archives: May 2018

5. Lo Roxburgh: Taller, Slimmer, Younger From the Inside Out

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Lauren “Lo” Roxburgh is an international presenter and author of the best-selling book ‘Taller, Slimmer, Younger – 21 Days to a Foam Roller Physique. Lo is certified in the fields of Structural Integration, classical Pilates, nutrition,

4. Krystyna Robin McMillan: Beauty Secrets of a Professional Adventurer

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Krystyna Robin McMillan is a passionate adventurer and avid nature seeker who also happens to be a traveling assistant to health expert and The Beauty Diet author David “Avocado” Wolfe. Krystyna travels around the world on a quest for the quintessentia…

3. Malcolm Saunders: On Biohacking Your Intuition and Eating Intelligently

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Malcolm Saunders’ mission is to deeply connect people to their food. Malcolm is a intuitive chef, speaker, and superfood expert who has worked in the field of food and nutrition for close to 20 years. He is the owner & creative visionary of The Light Cellar and the author of Elixir Life: Modern Nutrition Meets Ancient Herbal Wisdom, a guide to learning how to craft your own nourishing and healing beverages. His seminars and workshops have inspired thousands of individuals to recreate their relationship to food and reconnect to their intuition. Malcolm’s latest work illuminates and empowers people to create the life of their dreams, while making a difference in the world.

I began following Malcolm’s work when I discovered his expertise as an alchemist, and his passion for creating raw chocolate at his store, The Light Cellar. His passion for superfoods and superherbs was so inspiring, especially because his creations stem from a place of service, and a desire to teach and inspire others to live and eat in harmony with themselves and the planet we live on.

Here are some of the questions we answer during this episode:

What are better, plant foods or animal foods?

What is the difference between industrialized foods and localized foods?

What is intelligent eating?

What is the diet of the future?

How can science help us eat right for our bodies?

What does our cultural wisdom influence our eating choices?

How can our ancestors help us know what to eat?

Why do the opinions of others influence us so much when it comes to eating?

What role does our personal experience play in honing our intuition?

How can you move from eating processed foods to whole foods?

How can you reset your body?

Is there one way to diet that is meant for you individually?

What is the wisdom of other cultures when it comes to eating during pregnancy?

What are some ways that people can reconnect to their own body and intuition?

Is the balance or imbalance of our gut bacteria related to our ability to eat intuitively?

What are the four essential food groups?

Is a plant-based diet essential for optimal health?

How can you choose which plants and herbs are most important to eat for your body?

Can you get vitamin B12 from other sources besides animal foods?

What parts of an animal are optimal for nutrition?

What can medicinal mushrooms do for our health and are they an essential food group?

What do fermented foods do for beauty and for our longevity?

Can fermented foods help us combat allergies?

Should you eat fermented foods with other foods or on an empty stomach?

How can you use your intuition to know which medicinal mushrooms to take?

What is Malcolm’s favorite anti-aging biohack?



I want to encourage you to share this podcast with your friends and the people you love, because it could be the thing that gets them to make that one lifestyle change that makes a difference, and it might just be something that they really enjoy learning from. If you want to support the podcast, please SUBSCRIBE.

If you want to be extra supportive, please leave a review and rating, its super easy, just scroll down to the bottom right and click on the little dots and you’ll see leave a review. Please tune in to the next show, episode 4, with Krystyna Robin McMillan. We will be discussing adventure seeking, the role of fun in beauty, and biohacking your travel protocol!

Have a BEAUTIFUL week!


2. Dr. Rafael Gonzalez: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Stem Cell Therapy

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Dr. Rafael Gonzalez, PhD is of the world’s leading researchers in stem cells. Dr. Gonzalez has been a principal investigator in clinical studies for the development of the use of adult-derived stem cells for spinal cord injury, cardiomyopathy and other debilitating disorders. His experience is extensive in stem cell culture and cell biology from various developmental stages. Dr Rafael Gonzalez is the head of a Southern California based stem cell research organization, and has teamed with noted telomere expert and anti-aging doctors to investigate and pioneer the development of stem cell therapies to find the limits and possibilities of stem cells’ effectiveness for a range of conditions and anti-aging strategies.

I first connected with Dr. Gonzalez over a year ago when I became interested in stem cell therapy as a biohacking strategy. I was blown away by the incredible knowledge and in depth research that Rafael had under his belt, and the passion with which he talked about stem cell therapy. Dr. Gonzalez worked with spinal cord injury patients during his early days as a stem cell pioneer, and he spoke to me about how much this inspired him in his work. We are living in a powerful time, when things we only used to dream about are becoming real every day! I am so excited to share this episode with you. It is so powerful and so rich in information, not only for your own health and longevity, but for the well-being of everyone you care about.

Here are some of the questions we answer in the show:

What are stem cells?

What occurs when we age on a cellular level?

What is the only proven way to slow down aging?

How does intermittent fasting impact your body?

What are the benefits of doing stem cell therapy?

Can stem cell therapy help with degenerative diseases and cancer?

Can stem cell therapy help with gym performance and recovery?

Do stem cells really have the power to combat wrinkles, sagging skin, skin elasticity, and hair loss?

What is a vampire facelift?

What is PRP?

What is the role of lifestyle in stem cell therapy?

What is the cost of stem cell therapy compared to other medical procedures?

What kind of stem cell therapy is best for neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s?

What is the recovery time for stem cell therapy?

What is the frequency of procedures of stem cell therapy?

Can stem cell therapy help with autoimmune diseases?

Can stem cells regenerate the body after chemotherapy?

Does stem cell therapy extend your life span?

What are the most important factors to consider when looking for a stem cell therapist?

What questions should you ask when choosing where to get stem cell therapy?

What is the role of stem cell therapy in orthopedics?

What treatments are available in the U.S.?

What treatments are available outside of the U.S.?

What is the role in stem cells in reconstructing the breasts and the booty?

What is the future of stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine? What are the possibilities?



I want to encourage you to share this podcast with your friends and the people you love, because it could be the thing that gets them to make that one lifestyle change that makes a difference, and it might just be something that they really enjoy learning from. If you want to support the podcast, please SUBSCRIBE.

If you want to be extra supportive, please leave a review and rating, its super easy, just scroll down to the bottom right and click on the little dots and you’ll see leave a review.

1. Nadine Artemis: Real Anti-Aging With the New Paradigm of Health and Wellness

Shop Dora’s favorite beauty biohacking products here: